Friday, December 17, 2010

Who Grew it Better?

Bearded Breathren:

A friend of mine is competing in a mustache competition -- "Who Grew it Better?". It is the first year of the competition and they are hoping to do it again next year for charity. There are some amazing amateur mustache growers ready to hit their prime and give Burt Reynolds a run for his money. Check out the blog and consider voting for him @


Monday, December 6, 2010

Great success!

Hey guys, thanks for all of your support at the Mustachio Bashio. We still have a few donations to collect and a few unexpected ones coming in. I'll have a grand total by the end of the week.

Pics from the party will aslo be posted soon.

Thanks again!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's official, the charity has been decided!

Dear Bearded Brethren,

I’m writing you to ask for your support in helping a good friend of mine. His name is Nick Calandro and he is going through a really tough time.

I met Nick about 6 years ago while living in Logan, Utah. Nick had moved there from Illinois with the opportunity to start a Pita Pit franchise. His hard work and outgoing personality helped his store become extremely popular and quickly landed him the title “The Pita Guy”. Most people in town knew him by this name only. Nick and I became good friends and he even let me come behind the counter and make a few pitas of my own. Nick has now moved on from the Pita Pit franchise and has been working his own store started in Austin, Texas called the Pita Factory.

A few months ago Nick encountered a major speed bump in his life. He learned that he had testicular cancer and that immediate surgery was needed to try to prevent it from spreading. With it being in such a vascular area, he learned that it had spread as it was now in the lymph nodes. He started his first round of Chemo on November 29th 2010.

The outlook is good, but as I’m sure you all understand, he’s going to be going through some really rough times. He has a great sense of humor and has started what he is calling his Chemo-Stache. It’s quite the fine handlebar mustache if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately Nick’s insurance is only covering $10,000/month for his treatment. When all is said and done, he is going to be in some serious debt.

I know he could really use the help and would be extremely appreciative and surprised by a group of bearded Bostonians helping him out. All monies from this auction will go directly to Nick.

Thank you,

Cody B. Green