Saturday, November 20, 2010

Charity Suggestions

By this time most beards have passed the awkward adolescent stage and moved on to young adulthood. I have seen several of the bearded brothers in person and the sight of so many furry faces brought a tear to my eye. Well done men! Now it is time to consider how we turn this festive affair into philanthropy. The first weekend of December there will be a mustachio bashio to celebrate the completion of Novembeard. There will also be a beard auction. The person with the winning bid on a beard may shave it, or not, however they see fit. The money raised will go towards a charity of the groups choosing. Now is the time to suggest any worthy causes. Post your ideas in the comments and chime in on others suggestions as well. It is also a good time to start recruiting family and friends to sponsor the purchasing of your beard. There will be an online auction for those unable to attend the Mustachio Bashio.

Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going to a picnic. You don't mind going through a little bush to get there!
-Minnie Pearl


  1. I have a few suggestions. I have a friend who is starting chemotherapy next month and will end up in debt over $300,000 due to inadequate insurance. I'm sure he could use every bit of help he can get. If we go with an organization I would recommend the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.

  2. Cody I think helping out your friend it s fine and worthy cause!

  3. Hello!! It is Nicole, All the way from Minnesota! I just got back from Kenya and I was finally able to read up on this blog you sent! Without a doubt I was laughing out loud and woke up my roommate, oops! It is funny that I come home to this email link from Mike because while in Kenya I was actually telling people all about this beard contest...that i remember you telling me in the past. The reason why we were discussing this was of course becasue I had many stories to share about my beloved boston boys...but also because I am trying to come up with fundraising ideas for a new foundation that I am involved with. That being said...from reading above it sounds like you have already decided on a cause for the money to go to....and I fully support the above listed idea. However, should you guys need or have any interest in any other me because I am looking for ways to raise $100 a month to continue my health clinic in a little town in Kenya!! Good luck this weekend with your event! I totally wish I could be there to bid on beards! take care. Email me a response if you have one!
    Much love.
